
Redevelopment is an ongoing process that occurs approximately every 50 years. Downtown Napa was extensively redeveloped in the 1960s and 70s. Whole blocks were demolished to make way for progress. Among these were the Migliavacca building on First Street, the Conner Hotel on Main Street, and the block across from the Opera House, as well as all of the warehouses and shops between Brown and Coombs south of Third Street. Brown Street was eventually transformed into a pedestrian thruway north of Second Street. The Migliavacca block became Kohl’s and the Dwight Murray Plaza. The County Jail, Courthouse, and administration buildings took over the blocks south of Third Street, and the block along the river on Main between Third and Second became Veterans’ Park.

Today, half a century later, the Dwight Murray Plaza is scheduled to be redeveloped once again, as well as the property on the corner of Main and First Streets.