Architectural Highlights

On display March 15 – July 8, 2021

Listen live online | Click the orange play button below to listen virtually:

Hotels and beautiful homes have long graced the Napa Valley, providing hospitality to visitors and families. The Architectural Highlights sound exhibit features stories about Luther Turton, a renowned architect responsible for the design of numerous historic buildings around Northern California, as well as a history of some of the hotels built up and down the Napa Valley to accommodate tourists since the 1850s.
The above sound exhibit is 13 minutes in length. The stories highlighted represent only a small portion of our audio collection, see below for access to 100 NCHS audio files online.

Listen to the NCHS audio collection at California Revealed

Back in 2015 we started the process of digitizing our audio collection with California Revealed. We selected 100 out of the 250 audio cassettes in our archives, and they are live online for you to listen to the entire program. This 2020-2021 sound exhibit highlights 1-2 minute sound bites.

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    This project is supported by California Revealed and administered in California by the State Librarian. The program is made possible by funding from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

    The NCHS also thanks Community Projects inc. in Napa as a contributor for the speaker display, here’s a word from the manufacturers on social distancing:

    Echoes of Napa Valley premiered in 2020 with four themes. Architectural Highlights is the fourth and final theme in this sound exhibit series.