Earthquake Cleanup Continues

Jennifer and Megan surrounded in stuff to catalogueWe’ve come a long way since the August 24, 2014, South Napa earthquake shook the Goodman Library. All of our historical books, documents, maps, and suchlike are back up on their shelves or in their boxes and filing cabinets. A few pieces of storage furniture were damaged beyond repair, but, more importantly, out of all the mess we were left with very little damaged historical materials.

The Goodman Library is still closed to the general public, but Napa County Historical Society is up and running. We’re hard at work on months worth of old and new research requests – if you contacted us in the last few months and haven’t heard back, please email or call again – and are putting special attention on people with earthquake-damaged properties. We’re in the last stages of acquiring some offsite office space, and as soon as we have that finalized we’ll let you know. In the meantime, we’re reorganizing, repairing, cataloguing, and digitizing like crazy!