St. Helena Farmers Market
A yellow flower in the middle of a pink background with watermelon striped border

Veronica Hernandez

Catalog #: STH001

“Las flores amarillas son mis favoritas.”

“Yellow flowers are my favorite.”


Catalog ID#: STH002

A blue square with triangles and rectangles of yellow, blue and green fabric, a red leaf or flower in the center.
Green background, rectangles made with yellow, red, and flower-print fabric.

Charlie B.

Catalog ID#: STH003

Andrea Cazares

Catalog ID#: STH006

A woman in a blue dress with long eyelashes, making tamales at a table.

Andrea Cazares

Catalog ID#: STH007


Catalog ID#: STH008

A woman or girl wearing a yellow gown on a pink background.
A flower with multicolored petals on a black background


Catalog ID#: STH009


Catalog ID#: STH010

Planes, a soccer ball, and a firetruck on a black background.
A red flower with a portrait of a woman in the center and the words "Latina Power"

Gliselle Chavez-Seiffert

Catalog ID#: STH011

“¡Ser latina es ser una persona poderosa!”

“Being Latina is being someone with Power!”

Debbie Alter-Starr

Catalog ID#: STH012

“Ojo de Dios, Eye of God”

Colorful Ojos de Dio or Eyes of God with yarn tassels
Fabric featuring food, women with "empowered Latina" and "the future is Latina," patterned fabric and a sugar skull

Samaria Peralta

Catalog ID#: STH013

“Siento que las mujeres y los hombres estamos unidos. Somos humanos, seamos ciudadanos del mundo. ¡Viva México! ¡VIVA USA!”

“We are all united men and women. We’re human, let’s be global citizens. Viva Mexico! Viva USA!”


Catalog ID#: STH015

A tree, grass, and sky and clouds made with collage of fabric.
A green background with neon leopard-print fabric in circles, watermelons in corners.


Catalog ID#: STH016


Catalog ID#: STH022

A white square with drawings in colorful marker.
Palm or coconut trees on an orange background, stick figures of people swimming.

Mason V.

Catalog ID#: STH023


Catalog ID#: STH025