St. Helena Catholic Church


Catalog ID#: STH004

“Mexico is the best.”

“Mexico es lo mejor.”


Catalog ID#: STH005

A small blue house, fruits and vegetables, a green cat, a chicken and a duck
A dress or kimono made with watermelon stripes and a dark green bow

Adriana Montanez

Catalog ID#: STH017

“My design of my quilt square means I am able to share this space with my son and help him embrace our culture and heritage.”

“El diseño de mi cuadrado de colcha significa que puedo compartir este espacio con mi hijo y ayudarlo a abrazar nuestra cultura y herencia.”

Adrian A.

Catalog ID#: STH018

“I like doing projects that represent my culture and I can embrace my heritage.”

“Me gusta hacer proyectos que representan mi cultura y puedo apropiarme de mi herencia.”

Pink, green and yellow flowers.


Catalog ID#: STH019

“Fe en la ayuda de Dios.”

“Faith in God’s help.”

Ana López

Catalog ID#: STH020

“Estaba motivada a hacer la flor junto con mi niña, aunque ella es muy inquieta y yo la terminé.”

“I was motivated to make the flower together with my daughter, although she is very restless and I finished it.”

A blue square with silver writing on it

Jose López

Catalog ID#: STH021

“Dios siga bendisiendo el trabajo y ospitalidad de este balle tan lleno de bendisiones y amor al emigrante. Pongamos nuestro granito de arena que Dios te bendiga Santa Elena!”

“God continue to bless the work and hospitality of this valley so full of blessings and love to the emigrant. Let’s put our grain of sand that God bless you Santa Elena!”


Catalog ID#: STH024

A square with watermelon striped fabric on top and taco, burrito, and nacho fabric on the bottom, with a sugar skull in the middle