Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School
Black square with orange felt border and marigold flowers.


Catalog ID#: SHMS001

Joseph S.

Catalog ID#: SHMS003

“This quilt design is special to me because it represents Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is special to me because when it comes around all my family members gather up and celebrate together.”

“Este diseño de colcha es especial para mi porque representa el dia de acción de gracias. El dia de acción de gracias es especial para mi porque cuando llega, todos los miembros de mi familia se reúnen y celebran juntos.”

A black square with patterned fabric at the bottom to look like a tablecloth and Thanksgiving turkey.
The Mexican flag with the word "Mexico" in red and green letters, a woman in a blue dress dancing, and a taco.


Catalog ID#: SHMS004

“The design is different things, culture, and events about Mexico and the Mexican flag.”

“El diseño es cosas, cultura y eventos sobre México y la bandera mexicana.”

Brianna D.

Catalog ID#: SHMS005

“En mi colcha yo dibujo un volleyball, tamales, la rosca, un corazon, y flores. Significa en mi familia porque juegamos mucho volleyball, y mi familia tiene mucho amor. También tenemos muchas flores en la casa.”

“In my design I created a volleyball, la Rosca, a heart, and flowers. These things are significant to me because my family and I play lots of volleyball. We also have many plants and flowers in our house. We celebrate el día de los reyes, which is when we eat la Rosca de Reyes. We also eat tamales every year for Christmas.”

An orange square with a volleyball in the center, pink hearts, roses, and food in a pan.
Black square with a Christmas tree and snow.

Eileen A.

Catalog ID#: SHMS006

“Navidad es importante para mí porque paso tiempo con mi familia y amigos. Me gusta dar a mi familia y hacerlos feliz y paso tiempo con mis primos.”

Christmas is important to me because I spend time with my family and friends. I like to give to my family and make them happy and spend time with my cousins.”

Christian R.

Catalog ID#: SHMS007

“El diseño del cuadro de la colcha es una bota. Es una bota porque cuando cumpli trece años mi papa me regalo unas botas y son muy especiales.”

“The design of the quilt square is a boot. It’s a boot because for my 13th birthday my dad gave me some boots as a present and they are very special.”

A red square with a boot stitched in yellow thread
A scene with a cow, a pig, and chickens, with a house and trees.

Leah B.

Catalog ID#: SHMS008

“El cuadro de la granja es especial para mí porque me gustan los animales, especialmente por en México mi abuelo en su granja tieno su animales. Cuando voy a México y lo visita también veo sus animales.”

“The picture of the farm is special to me because I like animals, especially because in Mexico my grandfather has his animals on his farm. When I go to Mexico and visit it, I also see his animals.”

Bernardo V.

Catalog ID#: SHMS009

“Baloncesto. Me gusta juegar mucho con mis amigos.”

“Basketball. I really like to play with my friends.”

A black square with a basketball in a square of orange.
A red square with a basket of pink and yellow desserts

Yannel O. R.

Catalog ID#: SHMS010

“Este diseño representa a mi familia porque todos los años en Navidad hacemos pan juntos y pasamos tiempo en familia.”

“This design represents my family because every year on Christmas we make bread together and get to have family time.”

David N.

Catalog ID#: SHMS011

“My design is my family and football, Carpy Gang, and Earth and it is about all the things I love in my life. It means my favorite things in the world and things that I really enjoy doing in my life and also bring me happiness.”

“Mi diseño es mi familia y fútbol, Carpy Gang, y Earth, y se trata de todas las cosas que amo en mi vida. Significa mis cosas favoritas en el mundo y las cosas que disfruto hacer en mi vida y también me hacen feliz”.

An orange square with four people, a football, planet Earth"
A white square with the words "Mexico familia," the Mexican flag, a cross, and a little man with a guitar.

Bryan S.

Catalog ID#: SHMS012

“The design I made is a Mexican type of quilt square. The design is a Mexican flag, Mexico, and family and a cross. It means that I am Mexican and that I am Christian.”

“En el diseño de mi colcha cuadrado puse la bandera de México, la familia y una cruz porque soy Mexican y soy cristiana.”

Milo V.

Catalog ID#: SHMS013

“I made a cross because that is my religion.  I also put a soccer ball because that is the sport I play. I also made a royal flush from cards because I play cards with my family.”

“Hice una cruz porque esa es mi religión.  También pongo una pelota de fútbol porque ese es el deporte que practico. También hice una escalera real con las cartas porque juego a las cartas con mi familia.”

Orange square with cross, playing cards, basketball
A green, red, and white heart made with perler beads on a gray square.


Catalog ID#: SHMS014

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Karla H.

Catalog ID#: SHMS015

“I made maracas because music is very important to me and my family.”

“Hice maracas porque la música es muy importante para mí y mi familia.”

Maracas with pompoms on a pink background
A Mexican flag, a jamaica cup, the word "Mexico," and a little man with a hat.

Angel Z.

Catalog ID#: SHMS016

“The design of my quilt square has the Mexican flag and a jamaica cup.”

“El diseño de mi cuadrado tiene la bandera de México y una copa de jamaica.”

Estevan C.

Catalog ID#: SHMS017

“Mine is about the Mexican culture like the music and the food and my family.”

“El mío es sobre la cultura mexicana como la música y la comida y mi familia.”

Playing cards on a green background

Malia L.

Catalog ID#: SHMS018

“During quarantine my family and I were stuck inside so we played cards a lot and it brought us together as a family.”

“Durante la cuarentena, mi familia y yo estuvimos encerrados, así que jugamos mucho a las cartas y eso nos unió como familia.”

Alexander S.

Catalog ID#: SHMS019

“I drew a basketball because it’s my favorite sport and it is fun to watch the NBA. And I hope I could be in the NBA one day.”

“Yo dibujé un balón de baloncesto porque es mi deporte favorito. Y es muy divertido ver los partidos del NBA. Me gustaría participar en la NBA algún día.”

Orange basketball on white background
Embroidered flowers on a pink background

Mia A.

Catalog ID#: SHMS020

“En mi colcha cosí flores, esto significa que me gusta el jardín y plantar. Mi papa hace mucha jardinería y siempre me muestra todas las plantas. Cuando estoy con mi papá me gusta ayudarlo a plantar en el jardín.”

“On my quilt square I sewed flowers, this means that I like gardening and planting. My dad gardens a lot and always shows me all of the plants. When I’m with my dad I like to help him plant in the garden.”

Nicoletta G.

Catalog ID#: SHMS021

“The Day of the Dead reminds me of family and a skull is a symbol for that, so I made a skull to represent this holiday. My family is mostly Spanish so it came to mind almost immediately.”

“El Día de los Muertos me recuerda a la familia y una calavera es un símbolo de eso, así que hice una calavera para representar esta festividad. Mi familia es en su mayoría española, así que me vino a la mente casi de inmediato.”

An embroidered sugar skull in white thread with orange crown and yellow cheeks.
A Mexican flag and a pink heart with googly eyes, with white lace border and crocheted blue and pink flowers in corner.


Catalog ID#: SHMS022

“My design is about my culture, which is Mexican.  I added the flowers because I love seeing flowers. Then I put the hearts for my favorite singer and for my family.”

“Mi diseño es sobre mi cultura, que es Mexicana. Agregué las flores porque me encanta ver flores. Luego puse los corazones para mi cantante favorito y para mi familia.”

Naomi S.

Catalog ID#: SHMS023

“En mi cuadro dibujé cosas que mi familia hace en la casa. A mi abuela le gusta hacernos buñuelos cuando viene la familia. Tenemos un jardín grande que nos gusta plantar. A mi me gusta ayudarle a mi abuela a hacer arroz con leche. Es muy rico. A mi familia le gusta hacer salsas y siempre las estamos haciendo para ponerle a la comida.”

“For my square I drew things that my family makes at home.  My grandmother likes to make us donut balls when the family visits.  We have a large garden which we like to plant. I like to help my grandmother make rice pudding.  It is very tasty. My family likes to make sauces and are always making them to put on food.”

A Mexican flag with a dish of salsa, a flower, and hands holding a plant.
A black square with pink and purple flowers, a Mexican flag, a cross, and the word Mexico written in green, white and red perler beads

Josselyn L.

Catalog ID#: SHMS024

“My design has parts about my life like the cross and the flag of Mexico.”

“Mi diseño tiene partes de mi vida como la cruz y la bandera de México.”

Ayden G.

Catalog ID#: SHMS025

“I chose soccer because it is a sport that I’ve been playing since I was 7 years old. The sport is one of my favorites. I love the sport because it helps me when I’m stressed with school. Soccer is a nice calming sport when I play alone, sometimes it can be frustrating when playing with others.”

“Elegí el fútbol méxicano porque es un deporte que practico desde los 7 años. El deporte es uno de mis favoritos. Me encanta el deporte porque me ayuda cuando estoy estresado con la escuela. El fútbol es un deporte agradable y relajante cuando juego solo, a veces puede ser frustrante cuando juego con otros.”

A blue and white soccer ball on a black background
A family making tortillas together, chickens, and clouds on a pink background.

Danette O. R.

Catalog ID#: SHMS026

“Este diseño representa a mi familia porque hacemos tortillas juntos. Lo que nos une como familia. Los animales representan los que tengo en Oaxaca, México de donde es mi mamá.”

“This design represents my family because we make tortillas together, which brings us together as a family. The animals represent the ones I have in Oaxaca, Mexico, where my mom is from.”

Briany G. P.

Catalog ID#: SHMS027

“I drew a game controller because I like to play on my PlayStation and my phone. Sometimes I play with my family when my PlayStation game has two players. This connects to my family because we play with each other.”

“Dibujé un controlador de juego.  Me gusta jugar con mi PlayStation y mi teléfono.  A veces juego con la PlayStation con mi familia, en los juegos que tienen dos jugadores.  Esto me conecta con mi familia porque jugamos entre nosotros.”

A video game controller on a dark green background
A cloud with a lightning bolt on green square

Corinna S.

Catalog ID#: SHMS028

“El diseño de mi cuadrado de la colcha es una tormenta eléctrica. Esto me representa porque mi familia es de Suiza y allá hay muchas tormentas eléctricas.”

“The design of my quilt square is a thunderstorm. This represents me because my family is from Switzerland and there are many thunderstorms there.”


Catalog ID#: SHMS029

“I put a soccer ball on my quilt because I love to play soccer and it is my favorite sport. I also put two flags. The Italian flag because I am from Italy and the American flag because I live in America.”

“Puse una pelota de fútbol en mi colcha porque me encanta jugar al fútbol y es mi deporte favorito. También puse dos banderas. La bandera italiana porque soy de Italia y la bandera americana porque vivo en Estados Unidos.”

A soccer ball with an Italian flag in one corner and an American flag in the other
A soccer ball with a beige border around it, on a black background

Jefferson L.

Catalog ID#: SHMS030

“Mi diseño se trata de un balón de futbol porque a mi me gusta mucho jugar futbol en la escuela y le puse amarillo alrededor porque es mi color favorito.”

“My design is about a soccer ball because I really like to play soccer at school and I put yellow around because it is my favorite color.”

Itzel R.

Catalog ID#: SHMS031

“The design I made means that you should try and have fun with your family. Meaning that you should enjoy trying to live with your family while you can. Laughter has the meaning that you should be laughing with your family. Love means that you should love your family because you might not be able to see them the next day.”

“El diseño que hice significa que debes intentar divertirte con tu familia. Es decir que deberías disfrutar tratando de vivir con tu familia mientras puedas. La risa tiene el significado de que deberías reírte con tu familia. Amor significa que debes amar a tu familia porque es posible que no puedas verla al día siguiente.”

A yellow square with white lace borders, in green letters the words "Live laugh love with family."

Santiago O.

Catalog ID#: SHMS032

“El diseño que yo hice es un balón de fútbol, yo hice este balón porque es mi deporte favorito y lo he jugado desde que era un niño con mi papá.”

“The design that I made is a soccer ball because soccer is my favorite sport and I’ve been playing with my dad since I was a child.”

Diana H.

Catalog ID#: SHMS033

“This is my cat, he eats with us but he’s really annoying.”

“Este es mi gato, come con nosotros, pero es realmente molesto.”

A gray and white cat with googly eyes, wearing a sombrero and holding food.
A brown cross on a green background, with pink and white silk flowers around the edge

Alex G.

Catalog ID#: SHMS034

“I made a cross because I love my religion.”

“Hice una cruz porque amo mi religión.”

Ella W.

Catalog ID#: SHMS035

“I made a flower because me and my family love flowers.”

“Hice una flor porque mi familia y yo amamos las flores.”

A purple and green felt flower on a pink background with scalloped multicolor borders
Speakers and a dance floor made with small mirrors, a man playing guitar, a cross, a Mexican flag, a cactus, and the word Mexico

Yolana R.

Catalog ID#: SHMS036

“This shows my family culture and what we do at every Mexican party.  There is so much noise and the songs are so good that everyone dances.”

“Esto muestra la cultura de mi familia y lo que hacemos en cada fiesta mexicana. Hay tanto ruido y las canciones son tan buenas que todos bailan.”

Suyai C.

Catalog ID#: SHMS037

“Este diseño representa el amor que tengo por mi familia. Las flores representan mi hogar y las mariposas representan a los miembros de mi familia. También representa cómo nos unimos como familia.”

“This design represents the love I have for my family. The flowers represent my home and the butterflies represent my family members. It also represents how we come together as a family.”

Embroidered flowers in a vase with butterflies on pink background
A basketball with yellow, blue and black stripes on a purple background

Kimberly L.

Catalog ID#: SHMS038

“Una pelota de baloncesto es especial para mi porque desde los seis años la he usado. Todas mis hermanas también usan la pelota de baloncesto y es una actividad que nos une.”

“A basketball is special to me because I have been playing it since I was six years old.  All my sisters also play basketball and is an activity that brings us together.”

The flag of Guatemala with flowers on a green tree-patterned background

Yeferson L.

Catalog ID#: SHMS039

“Mi proyecto se trata de la bandera de Guatemala. Yo hice la bandera de Guatemala porque es mi país. Es el país donde yo y toda mi familia venimos.”

“My design is about the Guatemalan flag, because Guatemala is my country. It is the country where my whole family comes from.”

Tavi K.

Catalog ID#: SHMS040

“On my quilt square I put marigolds. I put marigolds because they are my grandma’s favorite flower.”

“En el cuadrado de mi edredón puse caléndulas. Le puse caléndulas porque son la flores favoritas de mi abuela.”

Yellow marigolds on a pink background
Black and white soccer ball on a black background

Brian R. M.

Catalog ID#: SHMS041

“I chose to do a soccer ball because I like to play soccer at the park in my free time. Another reason I did a soccer ball is that I like to go watch my uncle play soccer. Every time I go I like to go on the field before a game and play with him so he warms up. Something else on why I did a soccer ball is that I used to be on a soccer team in 3rd grade.”

“Elegí hacer una pelota de fútbol porque me gusta jugar fútbol en el parque en mi tiempo libre. Otra razón por la que hice una pelota de fútbol es porque me gusta ir a ver a mi tío jugar fútbol. Cada vez que voy me gusta ir al campo antes de un partido y jugar con él para que caliente. Otra razón del por qué hice una pelota de fútbol es porque yo solía estar en un equipo de fútbol en tercer grado.”