73rd Annual Meeting (Virtual)

"Honoring the Life and Legacy of the Coombs-Dunlap Family" Virtual Meeting and Special Presentation Keynote Speaker Senator John F. Dunlap To Attend Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86088538180?pwd=c2sxcVRXS2x3Vnl0Ti9QMFFzalhlQT09 Meeting ID: 860 8853 8180 Passcode: 912194 You are cordially invited to attend this year’s 73rd Annual Meeting on August 16th starting at 1:00 pm. This year we are [...]


The Redwood Coast & Napa: How Do They Connect?

Join us for a virtual event on the evening of Friday, September 18, from 7-8pm with Denise Jaffke.   Denise Jaffke is a Senior Archaeologist for California State Parks and has worked as professional archaeologist for various federal and state land managing agencies for over 25 years. She manages Parks’ Maritime Heritage Program and serves [...]


Presence of the Past Exhibit Virtual Opening (Members Only)

Members and their guests are invited to attend an exclusive first look at our newest exhibit, The Presence of the Past, including a virtual tour from exhibit curators. Historic Napa was founded at the advent of photography and thus its development is well-documented. The Presence of the Past chronicles eighteen select landmarks, representing nine different [...]


Presence of the Past Exhibit Open

Goodman Library 1219 First Street, Napa, CA, United States

Historic Napa was founded at the advent of photography and thus its development is well-documented. The Presence of the Past chronicles eighteen select landmarks, representing nine different categories of buildings throughout the Valley. This is accompanied by an overview of changes and innovations in photography around the world. Some of the landmarks have withstood the [...]
