Von Brandt Neighborhood Center

Georgina Vega

Catalog ID#: VB001

“My Family, My Culture”

“Mi Familia, Mi Cultura”


Catalog ID#: VB002


Catalog ID#: VB003

“Es mi casa de Rancho, donde crecí con mis papas. Hortalizas, Gallinas, Pájaro, Música.”

“It is my house on the ranch where I grew up with my parents. Vegetables, Chickens, Birds, Music.”


Catalog ID#: VB004

“La mariposa monarca es de Mexico y salen en el mes de Octubre y Noviembre. Para mí el significado de la mariposa monarca es porque es migratoria. Y en Michoacán la celebramos porque dura apia ximadamente 2h 17m.”

“The monarch butterfly is from Mexico and they come out in the months of October and November.  For me the monarch butterfly has meaning because it is migratory.  In Michoacan we celebrate it because it only lasts 2 hours and 17 minutes.”


Catalog ID#: VB005

“I like how I created this square.  The thing that is special to me is the horse.”

“Me gusta cómo creé este cuadrado. Lo que es especial para mí es el caballo.”


Catalog ID#: VB006


Catalog ID#: VB007


Catalog ID#: VB008

“El valor que tiene, que la familia permanezca unida, es lo que podemos lograr. Mis costumbres son celebrar la independencia de México, con desfiles, algo muy bonito y que también lo bonito es tener jardín y crianza de animales para el sustento familiar.”

“The values on the quilt square represent what keeps my family together and what we can achieve. It is our custom to celebrate the Independence of Mexico with parades, which are very beautiful.  Also having a garden and raising animals for family support is beautiful.”


Catalog ID#: VB009


Catalog ID#: VB010

“I love Guatemala and I am from Guatemala.  I like to listen to music.”

“Amo Guatemala y soy de Guatemala. Me gusta escuchar música.”


Catalog ID#: VB011

“Asi se festeja la vida – Siempre con Amor. En noviembre celebramos dia de los muertos ofrecemos ofrendas en el altar como pan, vino, música y flores velas. Así se recuerdan a nuestros antepasados como dice la canción (Hay que morir para poder vivir y nunca dejar de brillar porque dios nos ha dado luz propia a cada uno.”

This is how life is celebrated – Always with love. In November we celebrate the Day of the Dead. We offer offerings on the altar such as bread, wine, music, flowers, and candles.  This is how our ancestors are remembered as the song says “You have to die to be able to live and never stop shining because God has given each of our own light.”


Catalog ID#: VB012

“El 15 de septiembre es el dia de la independencia en Guatemala.”

“The 15th of September is Independence Day in Guatemala.”


Catalog ID#: VB013


Catalog ID#: VB014

Georgina Vega

Catalog ID#: VB015

“Mi cultura y tradición.”

“My culture and traditions.”


Catalog ID#: VB016

“I like to be in Guatemala. I miss my family and my dogs and my cats in Guatemala.”

“Me gusta estar en Guatemala. Extraño a mi familia ya mis perros y mis gatos en Guatemala.”

A woman with a blue headband and elaborate blue and yellow skirt, the Mexican flag, and a parrot and birds in the left corner.


Catalog ID#: VB017

“El 16 de septiembre celebramos la independencia de México. Para mi era una día conmemorable porque había desfile, bailes folcloricos, y mucho diversión.”

“On September 16 we celebrate the independence of Mexico. For me it was a commemorative day because there was a parade, folk dances, and a lot of fun.”