St. Helena Community
A red square with an orange stitched border, a portrait of a Latina woman with the words "empowered Latina," and traditional designs


Catalog ID#: SHC001

“Mi colcha significa que a los latinos nos gusta representar a nuestros países con música y danza. Somos muy humanitarios y cariñosos con todas las personas.”

“My quilt means that we Latinos like to represent our countries with music and dance. We are very humanitarian and affectionate with all people.”

Alicia & Jesus R.

Catalog ID#: SHC002

“Son los colores del arte de México realizado por nuestros artesanos. Incluyen figuras y diseños hechos en manteles, joyería, decoraciones, ropa, etc.

La piñata: En navidad representa los 7 pecados capitales y lo que contiene en el interior es la recompensa por haber vencido al pecado.”

“They are the colors of the art of Mexico made by our artisans. They include figures and designs used in tablecloths, jewelry, decorations, clothing, etc.

The piñata: At Christmas it represents the 7 deadly sins and what it contains inside is the reward for having overcome sin.”

A black square with a tiny spiked pinata attached, small symbols of birds, maracas, and traditional designs
Two fabric watermelon slices with the words "Viva la Vida" with blue clouds and a yellow sun.

Clara Ibarra

Catalog ID#: SHC003

“Viva la Vida! [Hurray for life!] Frida is a very important influence in my life. This is an homage to her art.

“¡Viva la vida! Frida tiene una influencia muy importante en mi vida. Este cuadro es en honor a su arte.”

Clara Ibarra

Catalog ID#: SHC004

“Flores Anaranjadas – Amapola de California y cempazuchitl.” 

“Orange flowers – California poppy and marigolds.”

A pink square with multicolored flowers, marigolds and California poppies, with a green hummingbird.
Silhouettes of people dancing and playing music, with blue guitars and an orange music note. Light blue palm tree.

Paty Guijósa

Catalog ID#: SHC005

“Me gustan los mariachis, de hecho, toda la música. También me gusta bailar y las playas.”

“I like mariachis, in fact all music, as well as dancing and beaches.”

Nieves Ochoa

Catalog ID#: SHC006

A purple square with dark blue sky and moon, with trees made of fabric and a woman playing guitar.
Multicolored squares and triangles on a blue background.

Saul Garcia

Catalog ID#: SHC007

Cuadritos – Me gusta hacer cuadritos, me gusta hacer todo esto.”

“Squares – I like to make squares, I like to do all of this.”

Gris Tapia

Catalog ID#: SHC008

“¡Festival mexicano del chile!”

“Mexican Chile Festival!”

Orange square with dancers, traditional designs, food, and chili peppers.
A blue square with a red border, with baseball gloves and baseballs, chili peppers, and a portrait of a woman in the center.

Magdalena & Andres

Catalog ID#: SHC009

“Deportes Especiales: Mi hijo especial practica béisbol y le gusta mucho.”

“My special son likes to play baseball.”

Josefina Calderón

Catalog ID#: SHC010

“Me gusta el baile y tengo mucho amor por las tradiciones de nuestra tierra. Como la tradición del día de los muertos, que refleja nuestro amor y recuerdo por nuestros familiares que se han ido.”

“I like dancing and I love the traditions of our land, like the tradition of the Day of the Dead, as it reflects our love and memory for our relatives who have passed away.”

White square with "Noel" in the center, surrounded by small hearts, four skulls, two dancers, and two chilis
Red square with white cross, flowers and patterns.

Andrea Cazares

Catalog ID#: SHC011